Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Analog Temptations

I mostly post here about the digital side of my work and play, but recently I've been preoccupied with analog pastimes. I'm gearing up for the boat project as the weather slowly gets better and better, and to do that I've been trying to get some practice in with a few other projects. My attempt at shelves has stalled at one step past what you see below. Or one step past what you would see if my phone hadn't just died.

(photo update coming...swearsville)

The idea is to drill holes and run plumbing pipe through them to form a pretty interesting blend of industrial material and bare wood. You can see a successful example here. I got hung up because once I drilled the holes I found they were a hairsbreadth too narrow for my pipe. Also, since I'm not using a drill press, they seem to be slightly canted, and not necessarily in the same direction. You can see where this is going, and it's called failure. But my plan is to get a larger bit and drill over-sized holes. I don't think it will be too much of a problem.

The above gadget arrived in the mail today as well. Its a key chain sized bottle opener basically, but with the added benefit of having a two sided bit in it with a #4 phillips head and a flat head screwdriver. The website claims the hole where the bit goes in can also be used as a hex tool, but that sounds like a bit of a stretch to me. Anyway, at $4.95 who's complaining? I ordered four (you can order up to five before the shipping jumps up) to have three to give away as small gifts.

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